Some people question the wisdom of having your own 3D Printer at home or in the office. While it is not for everyone, a 3D Printer can be incredibly helpful to some people.
Here are 7 benefits of having a 3D Printer at home or office:
1. Less Waste
Think about what happens when a little bracket on an IKEA object is broken - we throw the whole object away and get a new one. With 3D printing, you will now be able to print just that little bracket. There will be some waste, but not nearly as much as when you buy a whole new product.
2. Cheaper Manufacturing
You will be able to create your own objects in the comfort of your home. Think of the figurines, models and other objects that you can now just 3D Print at home. This would save you quite a bit on consumption and manufacturing costs.
3. Customisation
For all the objects you want to make, you will now be able to make each unique. Imagine all the happy people with their own unique gifts.
4. Environmentally-friendlier
If we can bring manufacturing closer to home, we’ll be burning less fuel trying to ship objects across land, oceans and seas. We’ll be releasing less Carbon, which is always a better alternative.
5. Save money - in the long run
Although the initial investment may be a bit high, especially for a good quality 3D printer, what you will be getting is a tool to enable your creativity. Who knows you might just invent the next great product.
6. Be your own designer/inventor
Create niche products that only you would ever allow in the marketplace. Fulfil your desire to be a inventor and explore the boundaries of your ideas.
7. On-demand creation/ manufacturing
So your company wants you to figure out how to make 100 pieces of something, you have a 3D printer, why not use that. and get a co-worker to help you finish. Same applies for someone at home - husband/wife, kids, parents and the list goes on.